2021 -Emily's Chili (Youth under 12 years old)

byEmily Violette


I began cooking at age six. I attended my first cook-off before I even turned one year old. This year was my first year winning at World's and my second attending and cooking. About a month after the World's, I attended a chili cook off in Indian Land, North Carolina and won first place in the open division, even beating some adults. I enjoy cooking alongside my brother and chili friends whatever weekend I can.


2 pounds cubed beef


1 cup chicken broth
1 cup beef broth
1 chicken concentrate packet
1 beef concentrate packet
1 Sazon Goya packet

Ingredients Dump 1
● 2T light chili powder
● 2T dark chili powder
● ½ T Onion powder

Ingredients Dump 2
● 3 T Medium hot chili powder
● 2 T Cumin
● 1 T Cornstarch
● Salt to taste


Fill pot with water and put it on the stove until it starts to bubble. When it bubbles add the cubed meat. While meat is cooking, make the sauce. To make sauce use a bowl and add beef broth, chicken broth, beef concentrate, chicken concentrate, Sazon Goya packet and dump 1. When meat is cooked, drain it and then clean out the hot pot. Put the pot back on the stove with the drained meat and sauce and let it cook for an hour and a half. When the timer goes off add dump 2. Cook for thirty minutes. Chili is done.